We refrain from the place of being volunteers the bible says that we are called according to His purpose, bought with a price and that it is our reasonable service to minister to God and to others. Our desire is to re-brand that thinking and heartbeat of us and those who believe that serving is what we do after we do what we do. But it isn’t it is amazing to be called to serve called to be apart called to assist. Calling is purpose and when you find your purpose in or out side the church it is amazing. Too long we have placed God at the back of our time. When in Matthew 6 it says seek first and in Ps 100:2 to serve the Lord with Gladness.
There is so much power and anointing in our lives but with out the skills to perform it we are not able to make it ply able. it will for ever be about the culture and about the heart beat of that culture. That Culture is not ours but it is the heart beat of the Kingdom of God.
We refrain from the place of being volunteers the bible says that we are called according to His purpose, bought with a price and that it is our reasonable service to minister to God and to others. Our desire is to re-brand that thinking and heartbeat of us and those who believe that serving is what we do after we do what we do. But it isn’t it is amazing to be called to serve called to be apart called to assist. Calling is purpose and when you find your purpose in or out side the church it is amazing. Too long we have placed God at the back of our time. When in Matthew 6 it says seek first and in Ps 100:2 to serve the Lord with Gladness.
There is so much power and anointing in our lives but with out the skills to perform it we are not able to make it ply able. it will for ever be about the culture and about the heart beat of that culture. That Culture is not ours but it is the heart beat of the Kingdom of God.